• Addiction Coaching & Counselling

    Are you struggling with addiction and looking for support on your journey to recovery? Get an experienced coach that provides personalised guidance and accountability to help you overcome your addiction and build a healthy, fulfilling life.


Your addiction gave you wings, then it took away your sky. Addiction can impact every part of your life. It affects you, your friends, your family. Its companions are regret and shame. You might be asking yourself, ‘Where did it all go wrong? How do I escape the clutches of addiction?’ How can I possibly run from the demons within?’

As an addictions coach with decades of experience helping people battling alcohol addiction and abuse, drug addiction, work addiction, sex addiction, love addiction and food addiction, I want you to know you really can break the chains that bind you. It takes hard work, determination, and the willingness to go deep within and confront challenging truths, but it can be done. Addiction can be treated. You can heal.

addiction coach sydney

Is Addiction Coaching for you?

The answer is a resounding ‘yes’. Addiction coaching offers a proven method for overcoming your addictive behaviours, so you can go on to lead a full and healthy life. To ensure your addiction coaching is effective, you need to speak to someone with specific addiction-coaching experience, deep therapeutic knowledge, and high emotional acuity.

How I can Help?

The journey of the human spirit is a journey from self-obsession to self-awareness to self-love, without the need for mood altering substances, people or behaviours. With decades of successful addiction-coaching experience – particularly in the areas of alcohol addiction and abuse, drug addiction, sex addiction, work addiction, love addiction, and food addiction – I can show you the way forward. All you need to do is take the first step.

What my Clients Say